Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nyepi , Day of silence

Nyepi is a Balinese Hindu New year that falls on Bali's lunar new year ( march 7,2008).
Nyepi is a day of silence, fasting and meditation. The main purpose of nyepi celebration is to cleans the Bhuwana alit ( human body/micro cosmos) and Bhuwana agung ( the universe/macro cosmos) .
Nyepi celebration sequence :

One day before nyepi hindu people perform Pecaruan /Buta yadnya ritual to vanquish the the negative element and create balance with god , mankind and nature. Pecaruan is followed by pengerupukan , this ritual is done by making some noise and bringing torch around people's houses . The purpose of this ritual is to send the evil spirit away from the neighborhood. In some part of the island ogoh ogoh ( large monster made of bamboo and other material symbolizing evil spirit) is carried out around the villages and cities in a spectacular carnival, and finally burned as a way of exorcising evil.

Nyepi day : observed from 6 a.m. to 6 a.m. the next morning. A day reserved for self-reflection. At that day anything that might interfere with that purpose is restricted. There are four restriction : - amati geni : no fire /light , - amati karya : no working, -amati lelungaan: no travelling, amati lelanguan : no eating. During that day Bali's usually bustling streets and roads are empty, shops and offices are closed.

One the day after nyepi is ngembak geni . At this moment families and friends visiting each other to ask for forgiveness from one to another. with a new ambiance , a new life will be started
with a new and clean spirit.

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Agung Wijaya
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